Thursday 10 December 2020


 OPEN VERSE may be described as an apperception of poetic elements -

imagery,assonance,rhythm,sound symbolism of an intuitive of the self conscious in a crystallised convergence of the moment ,with punctuation implied by the form, 

interpretation by the reader changing according to mood, thus essentially fluid and inherently variable.Especially in poetry read aloud where interpretation is unique each time as the reader participates in the poem as one does when iviewing a painting in a gallery

 Hilda Morley created (in the 1970's ) this type of  this 'verse freed' (which she labelled 'organic' )ie freed from convention,formal in experimentation closely related to Denise Levertov definition "organic form in poetry'. An early organic Sea Lily

I first wrote in this style in Jan it is AN OPEN(organic)  VERSE using spaces&breaks without grammatical symbols ,the ' open' relies upon 'the one breath limitation' (intuitive cadence)& so inherently requires the 'reader' (reciter) to input and responds thus making this enigmatic form a two way interplay & interpretatIon unique to the moment

Standing as in a dream bemused in my private world alone and yet surrounded by others thoughts read digested and considered waiting listening then writing my verse I awake,content until the next time
and perhaps best explained in verse itself
also from early 2012

Will my verse reach your ear can your eye stay the course Does unconvention confound the rhythm of your eyes Take a deep breath exhale and read between my lines unphased by phrase and habitude or human voice The choice is always yours if my poem will be or is not to be a tune upon your ear

LATER EXAMPLES of OPEN FORM by Brian Strand (from 2013 on Poetry Soup)

MORE EXAMPLES by Brian Strand

Each chiselled line enamel images to float upon sounds sans rime staccato syntax align symmetry as iambics beat the drum of vers liber... ....tine

perspectives, &beyond first impressions moving images notions, found objects refracting light restless shifting silhouettes incomplete structure recesses in exteriors informal at scaled angles or a complete whole nothing visible pointless to speculate the lines of hopelessness in a downward spiral the emotive aspects of a sense of place everchanging beyond telling a special time of intense interest an intimate presence unspoken in a dedicated space reflective profiles circles in spectrums of colour distinctive explorations acquisitions of legacies all motivations of a creative influence upon the curious heart


apperception an intuition beyond form instilled spontaneous of the moment a channel of self conscious convergence a crystallisation spoken aloud indelibly inked forever an interpretation changing according to mood essentially fluid inherently variable illusive as a shadow

NOTE :More info about Open form can be found @

Material from my blogs can be freely used for non-commercial (educational purposes) if cited in the usual way.

Tuesday 10 November 2020


IMAGISM   Image” that ..unique instant of time.. the presentation of which gives a sense of sudden liberation; a sense of freedom from time ... and space .. that sense ... experienced in the presence of works of art..unrepeatable.. tangible to the moment.. to present one Image in a lifetime better than volumes of wordplay

..takes many short forms 

 Here are some of mine 

 (senryu) where ever he looks 
 Mona Lisa's gaze follows- 
 his every step 
 on the wind 
 a bell tolls- 
 memories surface
 carol concert prelude- 
                       chatter of innocents 
 (couplet) a broken heart no words could save 
 death's red poppy petals her grave 
 on fresh earth 
the ashphatel lily lies 
 a bay leaf crumbles &dies 
 we each change death 
 (american doublet) 
 I brush a tall primrose in early bloom 
 on the evening breeze..a yellow perfume 
 all around..the silence of an empty house
 Passion the first kiss of love's bliss  
could lips be soft like this 
 a brief encounter 

 a marriage of convenience 
 small dots before our eyes 
 the picture we devise
 (kuhlman -
 Come Day:warmth,white,blooms:play
 When ,she and I become we
 True love for us,may not be-
 'til I love her,who loves me
December day- 
devastation's depression 
 A sea mist rolls inshore this morning 
The optician proposes a cataract op 
 Wardrobes, full of clothes, 
 crossstitch cluttered walls- 
her shadow still clouds my mind 
 at ease on my bookshelf- yesterday's leisured hours 
 daisy buttercup yellow cowslip  
together mix in fellowship 
 making a point 
 free by a sacrifice- 
 a sacrifice for free
 Short Lived 
 M A Y 
 F L Y 
 D A Y 
 (p s) 
 Last Gasp 
 still beauty in her stare 
 but she was not there
 a delicate petalled rose 
flutters slowly from on high, 
upon the green sward,to lie-
 dying sans a sigh

NOTE Imagists use clear, simple language to paint a picture. Imagery, on the other hand, is use of flowery and descriptive language, and often figurative language, to create an image in the reader’s mind. An imagist would keep things simple, and not use imagery other than specific sensory details.

Material from my blogs can be freely used for non-commercial educational  purposes if cited in the usual way.